Write the element symbol and charge for this monatomic ion:

Consider a monatomic ion that has the electron configuration of [Kr]4d^10 5s^2 and a charge of 2+

If this is a 2+ ion, then the electron configuration for element must be [Kr]4d10 5s2 5p2

Determine what element you're dealing with. Kr has 36e, and you have 14 more which makes 50e total. Element 50 is what? So you write that element symbol down (I'll call it X) and add the charge like X^2+ (or X^++) and you have it.

To determine the element symbol and charge of the monatomic ion, we need to identify the element based on its electron configuration and determine the ion charge.

The electron configuration [Kr]4d^10 5s^2 corresponds to the element Xe (Xenon) in its ground state.

To form a 2+ ion, Xenon would lose two electrons from the 5s^2 subshell.

Therefore, the element symbol for this monatomic ion is Xe and the charge is 2+.

To determine the element symbol and charge for the given monatomic ion, we need to use the information provided about its electron configuration.

The electron configuration of [Kr]4d^10 5s^2 belongs to the element located in the 5th period and in group 2 of the periodic table. This corresponds to the element Barium (Ba).

Since the monatomic ion has a charge of 2+, it means that it has lost two electrons from its neutral state. By removing the two valence electrons from the 5s orbital, the ion now has the electron configuration of [Kr]4d^10.

The element symbol for the monatomic ion with the electron configuration [Kr]4d^10 would still be Ba (Barium), as the number of protons in the nucleus remains the same, indicating the same element.

Therefore, the element symbol for the given monatomic ion is Ba, and its charge is 2+.