Which of the following sentences contains an adjective as a modifier?

The windshield wiper is slightly bent.

Will you be at the park tomorrow?

This is the correct way to do that yoga pose?

There are two male puppies in the litter.


No. Since is bent is a verb, slightly is an adverb.

Both C and D have adjectives that act as modifiers.

C. correct, that, yoga
D. two, male


The sentence that contains an adjective as a modifier is: "The windshield wiper is slightly bent."

To identify the adjective, we need to look for a word that describes or modifies a noun. In this sentence, the word "slightly" is modifying the noun "bent." "Slightly" describes the degree or extent to which the windshield wiper is bent. Therefore, the word "slightly" is the adjective in this sentence.