Can someone give a short summary of the difference between Mitosis and meiosis?

I can't tell the difference.

this is what i found

Meiosis is used when it is time for the entire organism to reproduce. There are two main differences between mitosis and meiosis. First, the meiosis process has two divisions. When meiosis is complete, a single cell produces four new cells instead of just two. The second difference is that the new cells only have half the DNA of the original cell. This is important for life on Earth as it allows for new genetic combinations to occur which produces variety in life. Examples of cells that undergo meiosis include cells used in sexual reproduction called gametes.

Mitosis is used when a cell needs to be replicated into exact copies of itself. Everything in the cell is duplicated. The two new cells have the same DNA, functions, and genetic code. The original cell is called the mother cell and the two new cells are called daughter cells. The full process, or cycle, of mitosis is described in more detail below. Examples of cells that are produced through mitosis include cells in the human body for the skin, blood, and muscles.

i found that on the ducksters web

Thank you ms sue

thanks harper!

I found this,

Meiosis has two rounds of Genetic separation and cellular division
Mitosis only has one genetic separation and cellular division.

Meiosis homologous chromosomes makes two daughter cells that are not the same
Mitosis creates identical daughter cells that are also identical to their parents.

Mitosis: only divides once
Meiosis: divides twice.
Keep in mind that those were only a few differences. :))

You're welcome, Wishwash.

but thank you so much tho