Which sentence uses the underlined homonym correctly?

Nina's son is turning too in June (too)

bradley, you are too close to the gorilla's cage (too)

is lacey coming with us to the zoo two (two)

you to can go get the water from the locker room (to)


Right, B.

thank you

Yes, sentence B uses the underlined homonym "too" correctly. In this sentence, "too" means "also" or "as well."

Yes, sentence B uses the underlined homonym "too" correctly. The word "too" means "also" or "as well" in this context. Sentence B, "Bradley, you are too close to the gorilla's cage," uses "too" to indicate that Bradley is close to the gorilla's cage in addition to another condition or problem. To determine the correct usage of homonyms, it is essential to understand their definitions and the context in which they are being used.