I the question is simple but I haven't done fractions in a while. So check my answer please.

Are and  equivalent fractions?


Yes, because both fractions are divisible by 2.****

Yes, because the difference between the denominator and numerator in each fraction is 8.

Yes, because they can both be simplified.

The Answers

3.10/16, 5/8

Your welcome

Please give me answers

thank you!!

Oops fraction didn't show


12/20 and 22/30

But they are not equivalent.

12/20 = 36/60
22/30 = 44/60

To determine if two fractions are equivalent, we need to compare their values. In this case, the fractions given are "1/4" and "4/16".

One way to check if two fractions are equivalent is by simplifying them. To simplify a fraction, we divide both the numerator and denominator by their greatest common divisor (GCD). In this case, the GCD of 4 and 16 is 4.

Simplifying the first fraction, "1/4", by dividing both the numerator and denominator by 4 gives us "1/1", which can be further simplified to just "1".

Simplifying the second fraction, "4/16", by dividing both the numerator and denominator by 4 gives us "1/4".

Comparing the simplified fractions, we have "1/1" and "1/4". These fractions are not equivalent because their values are different.

Based on this explanation, the correct answer is A. No. The fractions "1/4" and "4/16" are not equivalent.