Kyle types college reports for $2.15 per page. He also charges $5 to cover the cost of supplies. Write an expression for total earnings for typing a report of p pages. Then evaluate the expression for a 28-page report.

A) 2.15p + 5; $60.20

B) (2.15 + 5)p; $200.20

C) 2.15 + 5p; $142.15

D) 5 + 2.15p; $65.20

I think it's C? Idk for sure I'm so confused!

C has 5 dollars per page. I dont't think so.

Do you which might be it??

Yes. Which ones shows 2.15 per page? Which one shows (2.15 * 28) + 5?

$2.15 per page

p= number of pages
2.15p= 2.15(28)+cost of supplies
supplies= 5

To find the expression for Kyle's total earnings for typing a report of p pages, we need to consider two factors: the cost per page and the additional cost of supplies.

The cost per page is given as $2.15. So Kyle earns $2.15 for each page he types.

Additionally, there is a fixed cost of $5 to cover the supplies. This $5 charge is independent of the number of pages Kyle types.

Therefore, the expression for Kyle's total earnings can be written as 2.15p + 5.

To evaluate this expression for a 28-page report, we substitute p = 28 into the expression:

Total earnings = 2.15 * 28 + 5
= 59.80 + 5
= 64.80

So, the correct answer is not option C) as you suggested. The correct answer is option D) 5 + 2.15p.