Describe the fighting during the American Revolution in Georgia with the correct terms: The Battle of Rice Boats started in 1776 when British soldiers arrived in Georgia to buy supplies. Governor James Wright took advantage of the arrival of the redcoats and __________________. On the southern frontier, Georgia troops tried unsuccessfully to attack_________________ in Florida. Even with experienced commanders leading the expedition, the attempt to secure Georgia’s southern border failed. Disagreements over the way the expedition was handled led to conflict between __________________________ and ____________________. Their feud ended in a duel which led to the death of _______________________________. In February 1779, a group of British soldiers and Loyalists were camped in the backcountry. They were attacked by Patriot militia led by Tom Dooley, ___________ __________ and Andrew Pickens. The Americans won the Battle of Rice Boats and captured much needed ______________ . Savannah had been captured by the British in 1778 however and the Siege of Savannah (September-October 1779) could not defeat the redcoats and Loyalists in the city. A month after Savannah was captured, Augusta was under the control of the British as well.

Why are you posting this again?

You need patience until a history tutor can come online to help.

PS -- Were you given a list of words to choose from? Or are you supposed to guess?


Undoubtedly the words are in your text. Perhaps this excerpt is taken word-for-word from your text.

So the answers are in the text?



During the American Revolution in Georgia, the fighting involved several key events and individuals.

1. The Battle of Rice Boats (1776): British soldiers arrived in Georgia to purchase supplies, and Governor James Wright took advantage of their arrival. However, the specific actions taken by Governor Wright during this time are not mentioned in the provided information.

2. Failed Attack on Florida: Georgia troops attempted to attack a target in Florida on the southern frontier but were unsuccessful. The specific target is not mentioned.

3. Conflict between Commanders: Disagreements over the handling of the failed expedition caused conflict between two unidentified individuals.

4. Duel and Death: The conflict between the two commanders escalated to the point where they engaged in a duel, resulting in the death of one of them. The specific names of the commanders and the one who died are not mentioned.

5. Battle of Rice Boats (1779): In February 1779, a group of British soldiers and Loyalists were camped in the backcountry. They were attacked by Patriot militia led by Tom Dooley, ___________ __________, and Andrew Pickens. The Patriots emerged victorious in the Battle of Rice Boats and captured much-needed supplies.

6. Capture of Savannah and Augusta: Prior to the Battle of Rice Boats, Savannah had already been captured by the British forces in 1778. Moreover, Augusta also fell under British control.

Please note that the missing information and specific terms make it challenging to provide a complete description of the fighting during the American Revolution in Georgia.