I'm writing an essay about the play "Antigone".

The question is: "Write an essay in which you argue whether Antigone did the right thing. Should she have buried her brother or obeyed the decree by her uncle? Support your answer with at least two references to the play."

I was doing some research on this, looking up other people's opinions, and one person said that Antigone did the right thing because she honored the promise she made to her brother that if he should die in questionable circumstances, she would bury him. HOWEVER, I cannot find the part in the play where this "promise" that Antigone made is mentioned.

Could someone tell me please??!!

I don't know about any specific promise, but all this is laid out in the first 50-100 lines of the play.

Read and re-read ...

Certainly! Understanding and interpreting a play can sometimes be challenging, but I can help guide you through the process.

To find references to the promise that Antigone made to her brother, you will need to closely read the text of the play. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to locate the relevant information:

1. Start by reading or skimming through the entire play to familiarize yourself with the overall plot and characters.
2. Pay close attention to specific scenes or conversations where Antigone discusses her intentions or motives for burying her brother. These might be conversations with other characters like Ismene or Haemon, or her own internal monologues.
3. Look for lines or dialogue that indicate Antigone's personal commitment or promise towards her brother. It could be a direct statement or implied through her actions.
4. If you're reading a physical copy of the play, you can use sticky notes or highlighters to mark any passages that seem relevant to the promise Antigone made to her brother.
5. If you're using an electronic version of the play, consider using search functions to find keywords like "promise," "brother," or "burial" to help locate potential references.

By following these steps and reading carefully, you should be able to find the references you need to support your essay. Remember, understanding a play often requires close attention to the dialogue and implicit meanings.