Michael drove 754 miles in 13 hours. At the same rate, how many miles would he drive in 8 hours?

To find out how many miles Michael would drive in 8 hours at the same rate, we can set up a proportion.

Let's set up the proportion:

miles driven / hours driven = miles driven / hours driven

The proportion can be written as follows:

754 miles / 13 hours = x miles / 8 hours

To solve for x, we cross-multiply and divide:

(754 miles) × (8 hours) = (13 hours) × x miles

6032 miles = 13x miles

To isolate x, divide both sides of the equation by 13:

6032 miles / 13 = x miles

x ≈ 464 miles

Therefore, Michael would drive approximately 464 miles in 8 hours at the same rate.

To find out how many miles Michael would drive in 8 hours at the same rate, we can set up a proportion.

Since we know that Michael drove 754 miles in 13 hours, we can set up the proportion as:

754 miles / 13 hours = x miles / 8 hours

To solve for x, we can cross-multiply:

754 miles * 8 hours = 13 hours * x miles

Then, divide both sides by 13 hours to isolate x:

(754 miles * 8 hours) / 13 hours = x miles

Now, let's do the math:

(6032 miles) / 13 hours = x miles

Calculating further:

463.692 miles ≈ x

Therefore, Michael would drive approximately 463.692 miles in 8 hours at the same rate.

dividing 754 by 13 will give you the distance per hour

you then have to multiply by 8


use a simple ratio:
x/8 = 754/13
x = 8*754/13 =......

notice I performed the same steps as above

Divide the mileage by the hours. That will be the answer. And to check your work multiply the answer by the hours, and that should amount of the mileage.