A group of students plotted the number of hours they worked at a cake shop during the holidays and the number of cakes they delivered in a week.

Graph shows 0 to 60 on x axis and y axes at increments of 10. The label on the x axis is Weekly Hours Worked, and the label on the y axis is Number of Cakes Delivered. Dots are made at the ordered pairs 12, 13 and 16, 15 and 20, 27 and 23, 21 and 26, 37 and 31, 29 and 35, 41 and 38, 46 and 42, 52 and 43, 49 and 45, 54 and 49, 51.

Which statement best describes the relationship between the number of hours spent working at the cake shop and the number of cakes delivered?

and the statements are?

Have you atually plotted these? I recommend that.

To determine the relationship between the number of hours spent working at the cake shop and the number of cakes delivered, we can analyze the given data points on the graph.

First, let's plot the given ordered pairs on the graph:
(12, 13), (16, 15), (20, 27), (23, 21), (26, 37), (31, 29), (35, 41), (38, 46), (42, 52), (43, 49), (45, 54), (49, 51)

Based on the plotted points, we can observe that as the number of hours worked increases, the number of cakes delivered generally increases as well. This indicates a positive correlation between the two variables. However, there is not a perfect linear relationship, as the points do not form a straight line.

The relationship appears to start relatively flat at the lower end of the graph but gradually becomes steeper as the number of hours worked increases. This suggests a possible diminishing returns effect, where initially, a smaller increase in working hours leads to a more significant increase in the number of cakes delivered, but as the number of hours worked increases further, the additional cakes delivered may not increase as rapidly.

Overall, the statement that best describes the relationship between the number of hours spent working at the cake shop and the number of cakes delivered is that there is a positive correlation, but it is not a perfect linear relationship.