Convert the map scale to a unit rate. How many inches represent a mile? Show your work. Interpret the meaning of the unit rate.

3/10 in.=7/8 mile

Multiply both sides by 8/7:

8/7*3/10in = 8/7*7/8mile.
24/70in = 1 mile
12/35in = 1 mile.
0.343in = 1 mile.

Nevermind, they are both correct, but Henry did one more step than Steve.

My teacher hasn't graded it yet but @Lou is correct.

Thank you!~

Henry is correct. Steve is not.

How would you write out the answer ???

To convert the map scale to a unit rate, we need to determine how many inches represent a mile.

Given that 3/10 in. represents 7/8 mile, we can set up the ratio:

(3/10 in.) / (7/8 mile)

To eliminate the fractions, we can multiply the numerator and denominator by the least common denominator (LCD) of 10 and 8, which is 40.

(3/10 in.) * (40/1) = 12 in.
(7/8 mile) * (40/1) = 35 miles

Therefore, the unit rate is 12 inches to 35 miles.

Interpreting the unit rate: The unit rate states that for every 12 inches on the map, there will be a corresponding distance of 35 miles in reality. In other words, each inch on the map represents 35/12 or approximately 2.92 miles in real life.

Steve is correct.

(3/10 in) / (7/8 mi)

= (3/10) / (7/8) in/mi
= 3/10 * 8/7 in/mi
= 24/70 = 12/35 in/mi