You want to buy three books that are on sale 20% off. The original price of the books is 2.50,4.95, and 6.00. How much will you save? Write an distribution property and without distribution

What is your question about this problem?

Ms. Sue my question is how to write it out.

To calculate how much you will save, you need to find the discount on each book and then add them up.

With the distribution property:
Step 1: Calculate the discount on each book by multiplying the original price by the discount percentage (20% or 0.20).
- For the first book: 2.50 * 0.20 = $0.50
- For the second book: 4.95 * 0.20 = $0.99
- For the third book: 6.00 * 0.20 = $1.20

Step 2: Add up the discounts:
- $0.50 + $0.99 + $1.20 = $2.69

Therefore, you will save $2.69 in total.

Without using the distribution property:
Step 1: Calculate the discount on the first book: 20% of $2.50 = $0.50
Step 2: Calculate the discount on the second book: 20% of $4.95 = $0.99
Step 3: Calculate the discount on the third book: 20% of $6.00 = $1.20
Step 4: Add up the discounts: $0.50 + $0.99 + $1.20 = $2.69

Again, the total savings amount is $2.69.