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7. Insulin is to glucagon as (1 point)

a) wet is to dry.
b) walking is to running.
c) morning is to afternoon.
d) a key is to a lock.

My Answer: A
Could someone please check my answer?

- Da Fash

To determine the correct answer to this question, it is helpful to understand the relationship between insulin and glucagon.

Insulin and glucagon are both hormones that are involved in controlling blood sugar levels in the body. They have opposite effects on blood sugar regulation.

Insulin is released by the pancreas when blood sugar levels are high. Its main role is to lower blood sugar levels by promoting the uptake of glucose from the blood into cells for energy or storage.

On the other hand, glucagon is also released by the pancreas, but in response to low blood sugar levels. Its main role is to raise blood sugar levels by stimulating the liver to convert stored glycogen into glucose and release it into the bloodstream.

Now let's analyze the provided options:

a) wet is to dry: This option does not show a similar relationship to that of insulin and glucagon, so it is unlikely to be the correct answer.

b) walking is to running: This option also does not exhibit a similar relationship to that of insulin and glucagon.

c) morning is to afternoon: This option does not have any obvious relationship to insulin and glucagon, so it is unlikely to be the correct answer.

d) a key is to a lock: This option does not represent a similar relationship to that of insulin and glucagon.

Therefore, none of the provided options (a, b, c, or d) appear to be the correct answer for the given question "Insulin is to glucagon as ___ is to ____."

It is possible that there may be a typo or missing information in the question itself, or the answer choices may not accurately reflect the intended relationship. In such cases, it is recommended to seek clarification from the source of the question or review any additional context that may be provided.