
Thanks for checking my question out!

5. In an isosceles triangle with two congruent sides, the angles across from the legs are called ________ angles.

My Answer: base
Could someone please check my answer?

- Da Fash

Thanks! :)

correct but don't tell that person your email address


Hey Da Fash, thanks for reaching out!

In an isosceles triangle, the angles across from the congruent sides are actually called "vertex" angles. They are formed at the vertex where the two congruent sides meet.

Hope that clears things up! If you have any more questions, feel free to ask.

Hello Da Fash!

To check your answer, let's consider the definition of an isosceles triangle. An isosceles triangle is a triangle with two congruent sides.

The angles across from the congruent sides in an isosceles triangle are called the base angles. These angles are not only congruent but are also the angles formed between one of the congruent sides and the base, which is the side opposite the angle.

So, your answer is correct! The angles across from the legs in an isosceles triangle are indeed called base angles. Well done!