The Minoans made their living as

A. soldiers
B. traders*****
C. weavers
D. farmers

Read lots and read carefully:

it says they're farmers the says they do trading

If your text says they are mostly traders, then that's what you must go with.

To find the answer to this question, we can follow a simple process:

1. Identify the keyword: The keyword in this question is "Minoans."

2. Conduct research: We need to gather information about the Minoans and their way of living.

The Minoans were an ancient civilization that existed on the island of Crete in the Bronze Age (approximately 2700-1450 BCE). They were known for their advanced trade networks and maritime skills.

3. Analyze the options:

A. Soldiers: While the Minoans did have a military presence, their primary livelihood was not based on being soldiers. So, we can eliminate this option.

B. Traders: This is a plausible option, as mentioned before, the Minoans were famous for their trading activities, thanks to their expansive network of maritime trade routes. Furthermore, their geographical location on an island made them natural seafarers. Thus, this option seems to be the correct answer.

C. Weavers: The Minoans were well-known for their sophisticated weaving techniques and produced exquisite textiles. However, weaving was not their primary means of making a living, so we can eliminate this option.

D. Farmers: While agriculture was important to the Minoans, it was not their primary source of livelihood. Therefore, we can eliminate this option.

4. Choose the correct answer: After analyzing the options, we can conclude that the correct answer is B. Traders.

In summary, the Minoans made their living primarily as traders, due to their advanced trade networks and proficiency in maritime activities.