I need help please thank you

Show (2.3)(5.06) as fraction multiplication problem and explain why the number is inhundred-thousandths (five places)

BOI why are yall here you people aint even showig the math i need to copy of someone

I like how you took this problem from the cpm eBooks CC course 2 chapter 3.2.4 3-73 and still wrote the question down wrong

how do you play fortnite

this stuff hard bro like ima get a F

Uh ya harder

can u show clearer plz :(


To represent the multiplication of (2.3)(5.06) as a fraction, we need to understand that both numbers are decimals. We can convert decimals to fractions by using place value.

The first step is to count the number of decimal places in each number. In this case, 2.3 has one decimal place, and 5.06 has two decimal places.

Next, we need to move the decimal point in each number to the right until there are no more decimal places. To do this, we multiply both numbers by powers of 10.

For 2.3, we multiply it by 10 to move the decimal point one place to the right: 2.3 * 10 = 23.

For 5.06, we multiply it by 100 to move the decimal point two places to the right: 5.06 * 100 = 506.

Now, we can rewrite (2.3)(5.06) as (23)(506) without decimals.

To find the product, we multiply the two numbers: 23 * 506 = 11,638.

To convert the result back to a decimal fraction, we divide it by the same power of 10 we used earlier. In this case, we divide 11,638 by 1000 (10^3) because there are 3 decimal places.

11,638 / 1000 = 11.638

Finally, we can represent the product (2.3)(5.06) as a fraction multiplication problem:

(2.3)(5.06) = 11.638 = 11.638/1

To show the number as hundred-thousandths (five decimal places), we can simply add zeros to the right of the decimal point:

11.638 = 11.638000

Therefore, the number 11.638 can be written as a fraction multiplication problem (11.638/1) and is in hundred-thousandths (five decimal places).

No u

23/10 * 506/100 = 11638/1000 = 11.638

As you can see, there are no hundred-thousandths -- just thousandths