Which of the following allows for easier extraction of applicable data?

a database


a word-processing program


To determine which option allows for easier extraction of applicable data, we need to consider the nature of the data and the tools available for extraction.

1. A database: Databases are designed for storing and organizing large amounts of structured data. They provide efficient methods for querying and retrieving specific information from the database. Extraction of applicable data can be relatively easier from a well-designed database that allows for structured queries and filtering.

2. Photographs: Photographs, on the other hand, are primarily used for capturing visual information and are not typically designed for structured data extraction. While it is possible to manually extract information from photographs by visually examining them, it can be time-consuming and subjective.

3. A word-processing program: Word-processing programs, such as Microsoft Word or Google Docs, are primarily used for creating and editing textual documents. While they may offer features like search functionality, they are not specifically optimized for structured data extraction.

Based on this analysis, a database would generally offer easier extraction of applicable data compared to photographs or word-processing programs.