619.5 km=__m

Is anyone else using connexus?

1 619,500

2 m
3 1
4 2
5 16
6 7/9
7 -1/8
8 21 and 2/3
9 -22/35
10 1/9
11 -4 and 8/9
12 1 and 8/9
13 1/12
14 24
15 8 and 2/3
16 3/25
17 -6 and 14/15
18 19/28
19 3 and 3/7
20 7/9
21 14 and 2/5
22 -2 and 19/33
23 33 fl oz
24 6 and 1/12 ft
25 2 and 3/8 yd.

26 I said 25
27 6 pounds

Enjoy the free awnsers I couldnt put a b c and stuff like that because I think all the letters are different but the awnsers are the same so enjoy a free 100%

I also have 10/10 spelling

cant y'all just help someone out? ms.sue you never really seem to help at all, you talk about how, you cant give out the answers but can you at least try to tell her what operation shes supposed to be doing instead of telling her that shes wrong, teachers are supposed to help. and the rest of you are just like ms. sue, telling her to use her brain and junk, everybody learns at their own pace, and since you're coming at her for not using her brain, and y'all actually used it, why are you here?!? don't make up an excuse like " i'M hErE tO hElP" well you clearly aren't helping by telling people to use their brain

here are my answers:

1: 619,500
2: m
3: 1
4: 4
5: 28
6: 2/3
7: -1/8
8: 21 8/9
9: -22/35
10: 1/9
11: -5
12: 2 5/18
13: 1/12
14: 8
15: 3/25
16: -8 2/5
18: 1 13/21
19: 1 1/7
20: 7/9
21: 14 2/5
22: -2 2/9
23: 55 fl oz
24: 5 5/12 ft.
25: 2 3/8 yd.
26: 25 and write your reason
27: 6lbs. write your explanation
these are the answers for connexus unit 4 lesson 12 unit test

yw! and thank me later :))

noooooo there aint no 2 for question 4

Some of them I don't have!!!

1 km = 1000 m

is it for connuxus

ms sue im not trying to be rude but SHUT UP AND STOP COMING ON THIS APP IF YOUR GOING TO BE A BULLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!😡💢

add i think