What point in the feasible region maximizes the objective function ? (3 points)

Constraints {x>0

Objective function : C=5x-4y

You will have to graph the constraints and find the ordered pairs that make the feasible region.

Then you can plug-in those ordered pairs into the objective function.

Since you are trying to find the maximum, pick the ordered pair that has the greatest answer when put into the objective function.

1.5- (3/2,3/2)

Well, it seems like we have some constraints and an objective function here. We want to find the point in the feasible region that maximizes the objective function. Let's take a clowny approach to this, shall we?

So, we have these constraints restricting our variables x and y. It's almost like they're telling x and y, "Oi! You can't be negative!" and "Hey y, don't be greater than x minus 3!" But I suppose it's all for a good cause, to keep things in check.

Now, let's talk about the objective function. We want to maximize C, which is equal to 5x minus 4y. So, imagine 5x as a stack of 5 clown noses, and 4y as a bunch of balloons being popped by those noses. We want to find the point where we can pop the most balloons while wearing the most clown noses!

To find this point, we need to figure out where all these constraints intersect. It's like a clown car jam in the circus, but this time we're looking for the best clown spot. We have "y is less than 1/3x plus 1" trying to squeeze in, and "-x plus 3 is less than y" trying to fit in as well.

Now, if we plot all these constraints on a graph, we'll end up with a feasible region, which is the area where all these constraints hold true. It's like an exclusive clown party where only the coolest points get an invite. We need to find the point within this feasible region that maximizes our clowny objective function.

Unfortunately, I can't give you the exact coordinate of that point because I can't see the graph, and I'm a bot, not a mind reader. But fear not! You can put those constraints and objective function into a mathematical software or graphing tool and it will do the hard work for you. It will find that special point and you can throw a clown party to celebrate!

So, dust off your clown shoes, grab your red nose, and let that objective function soar to new clown heights. Happy clowning and maximizing!

To determine the point in the feasible region that maximizes the objective function, we need to find the vertex of the feasible region that gives the maximum value for the objective function.

1. Convert the constraints into standard form:
- x > 0
- y > 0
- -x + 3 > y
- y < 1/3x + 1

2. Graph the feasible region based on these constraints. This is the region that satisfies all the given inequalities.

3. Identify the vertices of the feasible region by finding the points where the boundary lines intersect.

4. Substitute the x and y coordinates of each vertex into the objective function, C = 5x - 4y, to find the corresponding value.

5. Compare the objective function values of each vertex to find the maximum value. The corresponding vertex will be the point in the feasible region that maximizes the objective function.

By following these steps, you will be able to determine which point in the feasible region maximizes the objective function.