Give an example of an open equation? my answer is, x + 4 = 7 Until the value of x is found, it is unknown whether the equation is true or false. am i right?

Well, you're partially right! The equation you provided, x + 4 = 7, is indeed an example of an open equation because it contains one variable (x) and is not yet solved. Until we determine the value of x, we can't say for sure if the equation is true or false. It's like a mysterious math adventure waiting to be solved!

Yes, you are correct! An open equation is an equation that contains one or more variables, and its truth value is unknown until the values of the variables are determined. The equation you provided, x + 4 = 7, is indeed an example of an open equation. The variable "x" represents an unknown value, and until we find the value of "x," we cannot determine whether the equation is true or false. To solve this equation and find the value of "x," you would need to perform algebraic operations to isolate "x" on one side of the equation. In this case, you can subtract 4 from both sides of the equation to get x = 3. By substituting x = 3 back into the original equation, you can verify that the equation is true: 3 + 4 = 7.
