what Jewish beliefs are shared by the Christians and Muslims?

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Everything in the Old Testament is considered sacred by Jews, Christians, and Muslims. The Ten Commandments stands out in particular.


You're welcome.

They worship different god

no the believe in one god

Of course, I can help you with that! Both Christianity and Islam have roots in Judaism and therefore share certain beliefs with it. Here are a few of the core Jewish beliefs that are shared by both Christians and Muslims:

1. Monotheism: All three religions believe in the existence of a single, eternal, and all-powerful God.

2. The Prophets: Jews, Christians, and Muslims revere many of the same prophets, including Abraham, Moses, and Elijah. These prophets are considered intermediaries between God and humanity, delivering divine messages and guidance.

3. Ethical Laws and Commandments: The Ten Commandments, given to Moses by God, form the basis of ethical guidelines shared by all three religions. They emphasize concepts such as honesty, kindness, justice, and respect for one's parents.

4. Life After Death: While beliefs about the afterlife may vary within each religion, all three believe in some form of spiritual existence beyond death, with rewards and punishments based on one's actions in this life.

To find more specific and detailed information on this topic, you could refer to religious texts such as the Torah for Jews, the Bible for Christians, and the Qur'an for Muslims. Additionally, consulting with religious scholars or engaging in interfaith dialogue could provide valuable insights into these shared beliefs.