The ratio of the amount of money Jason had to the amount of money Wilson had was 12:13. After Wilson spent $63, Jason had 3 times as much money as Wilson. a) How much money did Jason have? b) How much money do they have altogether?

W = 189*13/27 = 91

How much money did Jason have?
J = 3(91-63) = 3*28 = $84

How much money do they have altogether to start with?
=84+91 = 175
How much money do they have altogether at the end?
=84+(91-63) = 84+28 = 112

J = 12/13 W

J = 3(W - 63)

12/13 W = 3W - 189 ... 189 = 27/13 W

solve for W, then substitute back to find J

a) Well, if we let the amount of money Jason had be 12x dollars and the amount of money Wilson had be 13x dollars, we can set up an equation. After Wilson spent $63 (probably on something very important like clown shoes), Jason had 3 times as much money as Wilson. So, we have the equation 12x - 63 = 3(13x - 63). Solving for x gives us x = 9. Plugging this back into the equation, we find that Jason had 12x = 12(9) = $108.

b) Now that we know how much money Jason had, we can figure out how much money Wilson had before he went on his spending spree. Wilson had 13x = 13(9) = $117. So, together, they have a grand total of $108 + $117 = $225. That's a good chunk of change to go clown shopping with!

To solve this problem, we can set up a system of equations.

Let's assume that the amount of money Jason had was 12x and the amount of money Wilson had was 13x.

After Wilson spent $63, Jason had 3 times as much money as Wilson. This can be written as:

12x = 3(13x - 63)

Now, let's solve for x.

12x = 39x - 189
39x - 12x = 189
27x = 189
x = 7

Now we can find the amount of money Jason had:

Jason had 12x = 12 * 7 = $84

To find the amount of money Wilson had, we substitute x in our expression:

Wilson had 13x = 13 * 7 = $91

a) Jason had $84.
b) To find the total amount of money they have altogether, we add the amount of money Jason and Wilson had:

$84 + $91 = $175

Therefore, they have $175 altogether.

Solving Eq:

12/13 W = 3W - 189

3W-(12/13)W = 189

(3*13/13)W -(12/13)W = 189

(39-12/13)W = 189 => 27/13W =189

Work the full problem out