Write is y=1/6 X +4 in standard form using integers a. -x -6y =24 b. -x+6y = 24 c. -x +6y =4 ***** d. 6x-y=24

Unit 6 Lesson 5 Standard Form Quick Check

1. D
2. D
3. B
4. A
5. D

A Complete 100% for Connections Academy Only. :);):);):)

y = 1/6 x + 4

6y = x + 24
Looks like B to me.

Just a girl thx so much

Just a girl is right

5/5 thank yoi

To write the equation y = (1/6)x + 4 in standard form using integers, we need to eliminate the fraction. Here's how to do it:

1. Multiply every term in the equation by 6 to clear the fraction:

6y = (6 * 1/6)x + 6 * 4
6y = x + 24

2. Rearrange the terms in the equation so that x comes before y:

x - 6y = -24

Thus, the equation y = 1/6x + 4 in standard form using integers is option c: -x + 6y = 4.