So my question is find the circumference of the circle in terms of Pi then use the approximation 3.14 for pi and approximate the circumference.

How would I do this? The radius of the circle is 2m.

Ok so the circumference would be 6.28m, and the approximation would be 12.56 or 13 like you said.

To find the circumference of a circle, you can use the formula: C = 2πr, where C is the circumference, π is the mathematical constant pi, and r is the radius.

In this case, you have the radius of the circle as 2m. So, to find the exact circumference in terms of pi, you can substitute the given value into the formula:

C = 2π(2m) = 4πm.

Therefore, the exact circumference of the circle is 4πm.

Now, to approximate the circumference using the approximation pi ≈ 3.14, you can substitute this value into the formula:

C ≈ 2(3.14)(2m) = 12.56m.

Therefore, the approximate circumference of the circle, using pi ≈ 3.14, is 12.56m.

How did you get a circumference of 6.28 meters?

C = Pi * d

C = 3.14 * 4

3 * 4 = 12

I'd estimate the circumference at close to 13 m.