1. Let's find out more about the singer.

2. Let's look for more about the singer.
[Can we use #2? Are both okay?]

Yes, both sentences convey the same idea and are grammatically correct. Both sentences are asking to find out more information about the singer. However, there is a slight difference in style between the two sentences.

The first sentence, "Let's find out more about the singer," uses the verb phrase "find out" to suggest actively seeking information. This implies a sense of curiosity and action, as if you are eager to discover more about the singer by actively searching for information.

On the other hand, the second sentence, "Let's look for more about the singer," uses the phrase "look for" which also implies searching for information. However, this sentence puts a slightly stronger emphasis on the act of searching itself rather than the desire to find out more about the singer.

Both sentences are acceptable and can be used interchangeably based on your preferred style.