After we put an egg in a glass, when we add salt, the egg goes up from the bottom. Which of the following expressions is correct.

1. The egg is moving up from the bottom.
2. The egg is floating up from the bottom.
3. The egg is going up from the bottom.

[Which one is correct? Can we substitute 'upwards' for 'up'?]

I take it you mean in a glass of water, right?

I think "floating" is probably the most accurate verb here, but all three verbs are correct.

You can use "upwards" rather than "up" if you wish, but it's not necessary.

The correct expression in this case would be "The egg is floating up from the bottom." This is because when salt is added to the water in the glass, it increases the density of the water, causing it to become denser than the egg. As a result, the egg floats to the top.

As for using "upwards" instead of "up," both terms convey a similar meaning in this context. You can use either "up" or "upwards" to describe the movement of the egg from the bottom to the top of the glass.