1.The horse jumped _______ the fence.

2.Nasir is waiting _______ the cornor of the street.


Try out several of these until you decide which one makes sense in each sentence. If you find that more than one makes sense, then choose the one that helps produce the best meaning.

1. To determine the correct word to fill in the blank in the sentence "The horse jumped _______ the fence," we need to understand the relationship between the horse and the fence. In this case, the word we are looking for is one that indicates the direction of the horse's movement in relation to the fence.

To find the correct word, we can consider prepositions that indicate motion or position. Prepositions such as "over," "across," or "beyond" might be suitable options. Let's evaluate each option:

- "The horse jumped over the fence": This suggests that the horse leaped across the fence, with the fence being located on the ground level.
- "The horse jumped across the fence": This conveys a similar meaning to "over" and suggests the horse cleared the fence entirely.
- "The horse jumped beyond the fence": This implies that the horse jumped past the fence, landing on the other side.

Based on the options presented, "over" seems to be the most appropriate word for the sentence. Therefore, the correct completion of the sentence is "The horse jumped over the fence."

2. To determine the missing preposition in the sentence "Nasir is waiting _______ the corner of the street," we need to establish the relationship between Nasir and the corner of the street. We must choose a preposition that accurately expresses their position or location.

To find the missing preposition, we can consider prepositions such as "at," "on," "in," or "by." Let's evaluate each option:

- "Nasir is waiting at the corner of the street": This suggests that Nasir is nearby or in close proximity to the corner.
- "Nasir is waiting on the corner of the street": This implies that Nasir is physically situated on top of the corner (which is unlikely).
- "Nasir is waiting in the corner of the street": This indicates that Nasir is inside the corner itself (which is also unlikely).
- "Nasir is waiting by the corner of the street": This accurately conveys the idea that Nasir is waiting near or next to the corner.

Based on these options, "by" is the most suitable preposition to complete the sentence. Therefore, the correct completion of the sentence is "Nasir is waiting by the corner of the street."