5-7 sentences about the progressive era

It doesn't make much sense, especially the last sentence.

It also doesn't describe the Progressive Era noted on these sites.


What do you want to say about the progressive era?

The Progressive Era refers to a period of social and political reforms that took place in the United States from the late 19th to early 20th century. During this time, the focus was on addressing social issues caused by industrialization and urbanization. Progressive reforms aimed to improve living conditions, tackle political corruption, and promote social justice.

To delve deeper into this topic, you can start by doing some preliminary research to gather a general understanding of the era. Books, articles, and reliable websites can be great resources for this purpose. Once you have a foundation, you can proceed to more specialized sources such as academic journals, historical archives, and primary documents.

Begin by understanding the key goals of the Progressive Era, including the promotion of labor rights, regulation of monopolies, political reforms, women's suffrage, and education reform. Also, explore the major figures associated with the Progressive Era, such as Theodore Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson, who played significant roles in driving these reforms.

To gain a deeper understanding of the specific reforms and their impact, it can be helpful to focus on specific areas like labor conditions, child labor laws, the temperance movement, trust-busting, and the establishment of national parks. Analyze how these reforms shaped society and the nation's trajectory.

Lastly, remember to critically evaluate the sources you use by considering their reliability, credibility, and potential bias. Cross-referencing information from multiple sources can provide a well-rounded perspective on the Progressive Era.

stuff like this More peculiarly his own is Hegel's great doctrine the of contradiction, whereby opposing views of truth “rank as stages in one progressive definition. Organic life presents itself to him as a progressive scale of complexity determined by its final end, namely, man. So, too, in his psychology he speaks of the several degrees of mind as arising according to a progressive necessity. In the heyday of the Athenian democracy, citizens both conservative and progressive, politicians, philosophers and historians were unanimous in their denunciation of "tyranny. Two progressive measures of the highest importance were passed by this diet, one making Magyar the official language of Hungary, the other freeing the peasants' holdings from all feudal obligations. Flora the primitive leaf was a reproductive leaf, a sporophyll, from which the foliage-leaf was derived by progressive sterilization. is this good