As a reseacher and as a student of Malthus' theory, you would be surprised to discover that as the standard of living increases:

(A) the birth rates remains stable

(B) birth and death rats fluctuate, sometimes increasing and sometimes decreasing.

(c) birth rates decline for males and increase for females

(d) the birth rates actually decreases

I believe the answer is (B)

Under the concept of _____the best way to understand something is to take it apart to identify its most basic parts.

(a) objectvism

(b) reductionism

(c) exppressionism

(d) determinism

the answer is (d)?

I disagree with both of your answers. Check your text.

For the first question, as a researcher and student of Malthus' theory, you would need to refer to empirical data and research studies to determine the answer. One approach could be to examine historical data on birth rates and living standards over time, looking for trends and patterns. You could also analyze sociological and economic factors that influence birth rates, such as access to healthcare, education, and contraception. By studying relevant literature and conducting statistical analysis, you can determine the most accurate answer.

For the second question, the best way to understand something by taking it apart and identifying its most basic parts is known as reductionism. Reductionism is an approach used in various scientific disciplines to analyze complex phenomena by breaking them down into simpler components. This method allows for a comprehensive understanding of the individual parts and how they contribute to the whole system. Therefore, the correct answer is (b) reductionism.