for my project i have to have an Intro, Conflict, Effect on world, and compromise there is no compromise in my project topic so what can i do instead?

You'll need to go with the information that Reed, Damon, and I gave you about the attack on Pearl Harbor. Also be sure to read some of the web sites.

i couldn't find much in those websites

I think the three of us gave you enough information to support a paragraph saying that the only compromises occurred before Pearl Harbor.

If you couldn't find anything in any of those web sites, you probably didn't read them.

I did and now i know not to come here when in need of help and i thought you werent gonna answer, and Ms.Sue I will,

If your project topic doesn't involve a compromise, you can consider replacing it with another relevant element that adds depth and complexity to your project. Here are a few alternative options you can consider:

1. Resolution: Instead of a compromise, you can explore how the conflict in your project was ultimately resolved. This could involve discussing the actions taken or the outcomes achieved to address the conflict or situation at hand.

2. Impact on Individuals: Focus on the effect the conflict had on individuals involved in the project. You can explore how the conflict affected their lives, emotions, or perspectives, which can add a personal dimension to your project.

3. Lessons Learned: Discuss the lessons or insights gained from the conflict. Explore how the conflict in your project allowed for growth, understanding, or the development of new skills or knowledge.

4. Future Implications: Consider discussing the long-term or future implications of the conflict. Explore how it may continue to impact the world or specific individuals in the future, even if a compromise is not reached.

Remember, the key is to find an alternative element that complements your project topic and enhances your analysis and understanding of the subject matter.