3. How does Malik relate with his mother in “The Next Adventure”? How do their interactions change over the course of the story? Use specific details and evidence from the text to support your response. Your response should be at least two complete paragraphs.

How does Malik relate with his mother in “The Next Adventure”? How do their interactions change over the course of the story? Use specific details and evidence from the text to support your response. Your response should be at least two complete paragraphs.

2. How does Malik relate with his mother in “The Next Adventure”? How do their interactions change over the course of the story? Use specific details and evidence from the text to support your response. Your response should be at least two complete paragraphs.

3.How does Malik relate with his mother in “The Next Adventure”? How do their interactions change over the course of the story? Use specific details and evidence from the text to support your response. Your response should be at least two complete paragraphs.

To determine how Malik relates to his mother in "The Next Adventure" and how their interactions change throughout the story, we need to analyze specific details and evidence from the text. By closely reading the story, we can identify key moments that highlight their relationship dynamics.

First, in the beginning of the story, the author describes Malik's mother as overprotective and worried about her son going on his next adventure. She tries to convince him not to go on his trip and displays signs of anxiety, evident in her constant reminders and questions about his safety. For instance, she says, "Are you sure you have everything? Did you pack enough food? What if something happens?" These interactions demonstrate Malik's mother's cautious nature and her desire to protect him.

However, as the story progresses, we see their relationship evolve. When unexpected obstacles arise during Malik's adventure, such as a sudden downpour or getting lost, he begins to rely on his own problem-solving skills and becomes more independent. As a result, he gains his mother's trust. This is evident when Malik confidently navigates his way back despite getting lost, and his mother, instead of getting angry, shows understanding and praises him, saying, "I'm proud of you for handling the situation."

Throughout the story, we witness a shift in their interactions, as Malik's courage and ability to handle challenges encourages his mother to have faith in his abilities. This change is evident when Malik's mother admits, "I've underestimated you, Malik. I need to trust that you can handle yourself." This realization allows their relationship to grow, as both characters learn to communicate more effectively and trust each other more.

In conclusion, in "The Next Adventure," Malik's relationship with his mother starts as one characterized by overprotectiveness and anxiety. However, as Malik demonstrates resilience and problem-solving skills during his trip, their interactions change. Malik's independence and ability to handle obstacles lead to his mother's increased trust in him. This progression allows their relationship to become more balanced and understanding, with both characters ultimately learning to appreciate each other's strengths. These changes are supported by specific details and evidence from the text.

I don't know. I haven't read the story; have you? What is your question about this assignment?