What were the outcomes of the Glorious Revolution?

(Select all that apply.)

parliament was granted more governing power

parliament was overthrown by King James 11

william and mary renounced parliaments governing power

william and mary overthrew King James 11

a and d

The correct outcomes of the Glorious Revolution are:

a) Parliament was granted more governing power.
d) William and Mary overthrew King James II.

Therefore, the correct answer is "a and d".

To determine the outcomes of the Glorious Revolution, we need to understand the context and events surrounding it. The Glorious Revolution refers to the peaceful overthrow of King James II of England in 1688 by William of Orange, who became William III, and his wife Mary II.

Based on this historical event, we can analyze the given options:

a) Parliament was granted more governing power: This statement is accurate. One of the significant outcomes of the Glorious Revolution was the shift of power from the monarch to the Parliament. William and Mary agreed to share power with Parliament, marking a significant step toward constitutional monarchy.

b) Parliament was overthrown by King James II: This statement is incorrect. King James II was overthrown by William and Mary, not the other way around.

c) William and Mary renounced Parliament's governing power: This statement is incorrect. As mentioned earlier, one outcome of the Glorious Revolution was the acknowledgment and acceptance of Parliament's governing power.

d) William and Mary overthrew King James II: This statement is accurate. William and Mary successfully overthrew King James II and assumed the English throne.

In summary, the correct outcomes of the Glorious Revolution are:
- Parliament was granted more governing power.
- William and Mary overthrew King James II.

Therefore, option "a and d" is the correct answer.

I agree.

thank you.