Convert 3.16x10^3 in standard form



To convert a number in scientific notation (also called standard form) to the standard decimal form, follow these steps:

1. Take the number part without the exponent: 3.16
2. Move the decimal point to the right if the exponent is positive or to the left if the exponent is negative. The number of places you move the decimal point is equal to the absolute value of the exponent. In this case, the exponent is positive, so we move the decimal point to the right.
3.16 becomes 3160.
3. Add zeros if necessary to maintain the same value.
3160 remains the same in this case.
4. The result is the standard decimal form: 3160.

Therefore, 3.16x10^3 in standard form is 3160.


Is that what your text calls "standard form"?