you mix 2/5 cup of red paint for every 1/4 cup of blue paint to makw 1 5/8 gallons of purple paint. how much red paint and blue paint do u use

To determine how much red and blue paint to use, we need to convert all the measurements to the same unit. Let's convert everything to cups since we know the ratio of red to blue in cups.

1 5/8 gallons is equal to 1.625 * 16 = 26 cups.

Now, let's find out how much red and blue paint we need to make 26 cups of purple paint.

For every 1/4 cup of blue paint, we mix 2/5 cup of red paint.

To find out how much red paint we need, we can set up a proportion:

(2/5 cup red) / (1/4 cup blue) = (x cups red) / (26 cups purple)

Simplifying the proportion:

(2/5) / (1/4) = x / 26

Multiply both sides by 26 to solve for x:

x = (2/5) * (26/1) = 52/5 = 10.4 cups of red paint

So, we need 10.4 cups of red paint and 26 cups of blue paint to make 1 5/8 gallons of purple paint.

What did you get for an answer?

I would use (2/5 + 2/5 + 1/5)= (1 cup)(8)= 8 cups or 1 gallon of red paint. 1/4 + 1/4 + 1/8 = 5/8 cup of blue paint,which gives me 1 5/8 gallons of purple paint.


I would use 2/5 + 2/5 + 1/5= 1 gallon of red paint and 1/4 + 1/4 + 1/8= 5/8 gallon of blue paint,which gives me 1 5/8 gallons of purple paint.