Gansberg is very precise in this article, especially in his references to time, address, and ages.Why?

The author, Gansberg, is very precise in this article because he wants to provide specific details and evidence to support his claims and to make the events described in the article more concrete and relatable to the readers. By mentioning exact times, addresses, and ages, Gansberg is trying to bring a sense of reality and specificity to the story.

When it comes to time, providing specific time references allows the readers to understand the sequence of events and how much time had passed during the incident. This helps create a sense of urgency and tension, making the readers more engaged in the story.

Address details are important because they provide a sense of location, allowing the readers to visualize the setting and understand the proximity to potential help or resources. Knowing the address also adds credibility to the story because it conveys that the author has done thorough research.

Additionally, mentioning exact ages is significant because it humanizes the individuals involved and helps the readers empathize with them. By providing precise ages, the author further emphasizes the vulnerability of the victims or heroes in the story.

Overall, Gansberg's precision with time, address, and ages serves to enhance the article's credibility, engage the readers, and make the events more vivid and real.

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