Estimate these

14/16 + 1/5

1 This one

5 2/11 - 3 2/18

1 This one?

7 1/13 * 4 15/17

35 this one

I'm not very positive with the last two answers.

2 - what's 5 - 3?

3 - 35 -- yes!

To estimate these expressions, we can follow these steps:

1. For the first expression, 14/16 + 1/5, we need to find a common denominator. The smallest common denominator for 16 and 5 is 80.
- 14/16 is equivalent to 35/40 when multiplied by 5/5.
- 1/5 is equivalent to 16/80 when multiplied by 16/16.
2. Now that we have a common denominator, we can add the fractions:
- 35/40 + 16/80 = (35 + 16)/80 = 51/80.
- The estimated answer is 51/80, which is approximately 0.6375.

Based on this estimation, the first answer is 1.

Moving on to the second expression, 5 2/11 - 3 2/18, let's convert the mixed numbers to improper fractions:
- 5 2/11 is equivalent to (5 * 11 + 2)/11 = 57/11.
- 3 2/18 is equivalent to (3 * 18 + 2)/18 = 56/18.

To subtract these fractions, we need to find a common denominator. The smallest common denominator for 11 and 18 is 198.
- 57/11 is equivalent to (57 * 18)/198 = 1026/198.
- 56/18 is equivalent to (56 * 11)/198 = 616/198.

Now, we can subtract the fractions:
- 1026/198 - 616/198 = (1026 - 616)/198 = 410/198.
- The estimated answer is 410/198, which simplifies to 205/99, approximately equal to 2.07.

Based on this estimation, the second answer is 2.

Lastly, for the third expression, 7 1/13 * 4 15/17, let's convert the mixed numbers to improper fractions:
- 7 1/13 is equivalent to (7 * 13 + 1)/13 = 92/13.
- 4 15/17 is equivalent to (4 * 17 + 15)/17 = 83/17.

To multiply these fractions, we can simplify first:
- 92/13 * 83/17 = (92 * 83)/(13 * 17) = 7636/221.

The estimated answer is 7636/221, which is approximately equal to 34.58.

Based on this estimation, the third answer is 35.

Therefore, the estimated answers for the given expressions are:
1. 1
2. 2
3. 35