How many grams of a 28.0% (m/m) CuSO4 solution contain 39.0 g CuSO4?


mass=39/.28=139 grams solution

To calculate the grams of a 28.0% (m/m) CuSO4 solution that contains 39.0 g of CuSO4, we can use the formula:

mass_of_CuSO4_solution = (mass_of_CuSO4 / percentage_of_CuSO4)

First, let's convert the percentage to a decimal by dividing it by 100:

percentage_of_CuSO4 = 28.0% / 100 = 0.28

Now we can substitute the values into the formula:

mass_of_CuSO4_solution = (39.0 g / 0.28) = 139.29 g

Therefore, 139.29 grams of a 28.0% (m/m) CuSO4 solution contains 39.0 grams of CuSO4.