After identifying the problem, which of the following is the next step an engineer usually takes

A. Explore what other people have done about the problem
B. Build a prototype to solve the problem
C. Identify related problems
D. Communicate the results of prototype testing

We'll be glad to check your answer.

The usual next step, is A. Those who like to butt their heads against brick walls, do B.

those who do not take their meds regularily, often start with C, and those who want to run for president do D.

A is the answer I hope your teacher accepts as the best answer.

wow puresly ur funny

To determine the next step after identifying a problem, an engineer usually employs a systematic approach. The typical next step in this process is to explore what other people have done to address the problem, which leads us to option A: Explore what other people have done about the problem.

Exploring what others have done involves conducting research and analyzing existing solutions, inventions, and innovations in the field related to the identified problem. This step helps engineers learn from the successes and failures of previous efforts, gather knowledge, and gain insights into potential solutions.

To execute this step effectively, engineers may use various resources such as scientific literature, academic papers, patents, technical reports, conferences, and online databases to access the accumulated knowledge and expertise of the field. By examining prior work, engineers can identify relevant concepts, methodologies, techniques, and even potential collaborations that have already been developed.

This exploration of prior work enables engineers to build upon existing knowledge, identify gaps in the current understanding of the problem, and generate ideas for possible solutions. It helps them avoid reinventing the wheel and provides a foundation to create more innovative and effective solutions.

Once engineers have thoroughly explored what others have done, they can move forward in the problem-solving process by considering options like building a prototype (option B), identifying related problems (option C), or communicating the results of prototype testing (option D). However, it is crucial to start with option A to leverage existing knowledge and expertise before progressing to subsequent steps.