A bottle of Harvest Time Apple Juice contains 64 oz. and costs 2 bottles for $1.98. Farm Fresh Apple Juice is available in bottles that contain 1 gallon and sells for $1.88 per bottle. Which is the better buy?

1 gallon = 128 ounces

64 * 2 = 128 ounces



To determine which option is the better buy, we need to calculate the cost per ounce for each type of apple juice.

For Harvest Time Apple Juice:
- The bottle contains 64 oz.
- The cost is 2 bottles for $1.98.

To calculate the cost per ounce, divide the total cost by the total number of ounces:
$1.98 / (2 bottles * 64 oz) = $1.98 / 128 oz = $0.0154 per ounce

For Farm Fresh Apple Juice:
- The bottle contains 1 gallon, which is equal to 128 oz.
- The cost is $1.88 per bottle.

To calculate the cost per ounce, divide the cost by the total number of ounces:
$1.88 / 128 oz = $0.0147 per ounce

Comparing the cost per ounce, we can see that the Farm Fresh Apple Juice has a lower cost per ounce ($0.0147 per ounce) compared to the Harvest Time Apple Juice ($0.0154 per ounce). Therefore, the Farm Fresh Apple Juice is the better buy.