In a recent survey 56% of students at MacNab High School work a part time job during the school year. If there are 378 students in the school, is 125 , 200 or 560 a reasonable estimate for number of students who work part time during the school year? Explain your answer.

a bit more than half of 380 is a little more than 190

To determine whether 125, 200, or 560 is a reasonable estimate for the number of students who work part-time during the school year, we can use the information given in the survey.

According to the survey, 56% of the students at MacNab High School work a part-time job during the school year. To find the actual number of students who work part-time, we need to calculate 56% of the total number of students.

To do this calculation, we can use the following formula:

Number of students who work part-time = (Percentage of students who work part-time / 100) * Total number of students

Given that the percentage of students who work part-time is 56% and the total number of students in the school is 378, we can substitute these values into the formula:

Number of students who work part-time = (56 / 100) * 378

Evaluating this expression, we can find the actual number of students who work part-time:

Number of students who work part-time = 0.56 * 378
Number of students who work part-time ≈ 211.68

Since we cannot have fractions of students, we need to round this number to the nearest whole number. Based on rounding, the estimated number of students who work part-time during the school year is around 212.

Now, let's analyze the given options:

1. 125: This option is significantly lower than the estimated number of 212 students. Therefore, 125 is not a reasonable estimate.

2. 200: This option is closer to the estimated number of 212 students, but still lower. It may be a conservative estimate, but it is not the best estimate.

3. 560: This option is far higher than the estimated number of 212 students. Therefore, 560 is not a reasonable estimate.

Based on this analysis, the most reasonable estimate for the number of students who work part-time during the school year is 200.