This is what the chart talks about.

Melt 1 cup of butter
chop an onion
mix ingredients in a large bowl

Brown the meat in a frying pan
boil 6 eggs
bake at 350 degrees

kendra was looking at recipes in a cookbook. she divided some of the steps of a recipe into two columns. How would you label each column?
A.) Column A shows sublimation; column B shows vaporization
B.) Column A shows vaporization; column B shows sublimation
C.) Column A shows physical changes; column B shows chemical changes
D.) Column A shows chemical changes; column B shows physical changes

I think the answer is C

I agree.

It is c

To determine the correct answer for labeling each column, we need to understand the definitions of the terms given as choices.

A) Sublimation: This is the process in which a substance transitions directly from a solid to a gas without passing through the liquid phase.

Vaporization: This refers to the process in which a substance changes from a liquid to a gas.

Physical changes: These are changes that do not alter the chemical composition of a substance. They only affect its physical properties, such as size, shape, or phase.

Chemical changes: These changes involve the transformation of one or more substances into different substances with new chemical properties.

Analyzing the given steps in each column:

Column A:

- Melt 1 cup of butter: This is a physical change as the butter changes from a solid to a liquid state.

- Chop an onion: This is also a physical change as the onion is being mechanically altered in shape.

- Mix ingredients in a large bowl: This step is combining different substances, but no chemical reaction is occurring. It can be classified as a physical change.

Column B:

- Brown the meat in a frying pan: This step involves applying heat to the meat to cause browning. This is a chemical change called the Maillard reaction.

- Boil 6 eggs: Boiling eggs is a process that changes the egg from a liquid state to a solid state, which is a physical change.

- Bake at 350 degrees: Baking involves a combination of physical and chemical changes. The heat causes proteins, sugars, and other components to undergo reactions, leading to browning, firming, and flavor development.

Considering these explanations, we can see that:

- Column A includes steps involving physical changes (melting, chopping, mixing).
- Column B includes steps involving both physical changes (boiling) and chemical changes (browning, baking).

Hence, the most appropriate labeling for each column is:

C) Column A shows physical changes; column B shows chemical changes.