I desperately need help in solving this.

-4>/= 4(6y-12)-2y
I have not found an answer yet.

distributing 4 ... -4 ≥ 24y - 48 - 2y

collecting terms ... -4 ≥ 22y - 48

adding 48 ... 44 ≥ 22y


To solve this inequality, we need to apply the following steps:

Step 1: Distribute the 4 to the terms inside the parentheses:
-4 ≥ 24y - 48 - 2y

Step 2: Combine like terms on the right side:
-4 ≥ 22y - 48

Step 3: Move the constant term to the left side by adding 48 to both sides:
-4 + 48 ≥ 22y

Step 4: Simplify the left side:
44 ≥ 22y

Step 5: Divide both sides by 22 to isolate y:
44/22 ≥ y

Step 6: Simplify:
2 ≥ y

So, the solution to the inequality is y ≤ 2.

To check our solution, we can substitute a value less than or equal to 2 for y back into the inequality and verify that it holds. For example, let's substitute y = 1:
-4 ≥ 4(6(1) - 12) - 2(1)
-4 ≥ 4(6 - 12) - 2
-4 ≥ 4(-6) - 2
-4 ≥ -24 - 2
-4 ≥ -26

Since -4 is greater than or equal to -26, the inequality holds true.