The function rule T–4, 6(x, y) could be used to describe which translation?

4 left 6 up

The function rule T–4, 6(x, y) represents a translation where every point is moved 4 units to the left and 6 units up.

To determine the translation described by the given function rule T–4, 6(x, y), we need to understand how translations are represented and apply the rule accordingly.

Translations involve moving an object from one location to another without changing its shape or orientation. They are described by two components: horizontal translation (how much the object moves horizontally) and vertical translation (how much the object moves vertically).

In this case, the function rule T–4, 6(x, y) consists of two values, -4 and 6. The -4 represents the horizontal translation, while the 6 represents the vertical translation.

To apply the rule, follow these steps:
1. Take the coordinates of a point (x, y) and subtract the horizontal translation (-4) from the x-coordinate.
2. Take the result from step 1 and add the vertical translation (6) to the y-coordinate.

By performing these calculations, you will obtain the new coordinates of the translated point.

What translations are there?