A bus left for Baguio, and 6 hours later, a train travelling 161 mph tried catching up to the bus. After the train travelled for 8 hours, the train caught up. What was the train's average speed?

To find the train's average speed, we need to determine the distance between the bus and train when the train caught up.

Let's start by finding the distance the bus traveled during the 6 hours before the train started. We can use the formula:
Distance = Speed × Time

Since the bus's speed is not given, let's represent it as 'x' mph. So, the distance the bus traveled is:
Distance1 = x mph × 6 hours
Distance1 = 6x miles

When the train started, it had to catch up with the bus, so the distance between them was the same. Let's represent this distance as 'd' miles.

Now, let's find the distance the train traveled in 8 hours using the formula:
Distance = Speed × Time

Since the train's speed is given as 161 mph, the distance the train traveled is:
Distance2 = 161 mph × 8 hours
Distance2 = 1288 miles

Since both the bus and train traveled the same distance when the train caught up, we can equate the two distances:
6x = 1288

To find 'x', the bus's speed, we can divide both sides of the equation by 6:
x = 1288 / 6
x ≈ 214.67 mph

Therefore, the bus's speed was approximately 214.67 mph.

Since the train traveled 1288 miles in 8 hours, we can calculate the train's average speed by dividing the distance by the time:
Average speed = Distance / Time
Average speed = 1288 miles / 8 hours
Average speed ≈ 161 mph

Therefore, the train's average speed was approximately 161 mph.

To find the train's average speed, we need to determine the distance it traveled to catch up to the bus.

Let's start by calculating the distance the bus traveled during the 6 hours it was ahead of the train.

The speed of the train is given as 161 mph, and the time it took to catch up to the bus is 8 hours. Therefore, the distance covered by the bus during this time is 161 mph * 8 hours = 1288 miles.

Now, let's calculate the time it took for the bus to travel the same distance of 1288 miles.

Since the bus was traveling for 6 hours before the train started, the total time for the bus to cover 1288 miles is 6 + 8 = 14 hours.

Finally, we can calculate the average speed of the train by dividing the distance it traveled (1288 miles) by the time it took (8 hours) to catch up with the bus.

Average speed = Distance / Time
= 1288 miles / 8 hours
= 161 mph

Therefore, the train's average speed is 161 mph.