The temperature on Monday was 14°C. On Tuesday the temperature decreased by 5°. On Wednesday the temperature decreased another 10°. On Tuesday the temperature increased by 8°. What was the temperature at the end of the day on Thursday.

Let's start with the initial temperature on Monday, which was 14°C.

On Tuesday, the temperature decreased by 5°C. So, 14°C - 5°C = 9°C.

On Wednesday, the temperature decreased another 10°C. So, 9°C - 10°C = -1°C.

On Thursday, the temperature increased by 8°C. So, -1°C + 8°C = 7°C.

Therefore, the temperature at the end of the day on Thursday was 7°C.

To find the temperature at the end of the day on Thursday, we need to start with the temperature on Monday and then follow the given changes day by day.

Temperature on Monday = 14°C
Temperature decreased by 5°C on Tuesday
Temperature decreased by another 10°C on Wednesday
Temperature increased by 8°C on Thursday

Step-by-step calculation:
1. Start with the temperature on Monday: 14°C
2. On Tuesday, the temperature decreased by 5°C. So, subtract 5 from the temperature on Monday:
Temperature on Tuesday = 14°C - 5°C = 9°C
3. On Wednesday, the temperature decreased by another 10°C. So, subtract 10 from the temperature on Tuesday:
Temperature on Wednesday = 9°C - 10°C = -1°C
4. On Thursday, the temperature increased by 8°C. So, add 8 to the temperature on Wednesday:
Temperature on Thursday = -1°C + 8°C = 7°C

Therefore, the temperature at the end of the day on Thursday was 7°C.


14-5-10+8 = ?