Scott's salary decreased from $78,000 to $74,000. What is the absolute change in salary, and what is the relative change in salary.

also New salary is what % less than his old salary. and New salary is what % of his old salary. and new salary is what times his old salary. please help.

78,000 - 74,000 = $4,000 - Absolute change.

74,000 - 78,000 = -$4000 = Relative change.

74,000/78,000 = 0.9487 = 94.87% of old salary.

100-94.87 = 5.13% Less than the old salary.

New salary = 0.9487 times the old salary.

To find the absolute change in salary, you subtract the old salary from the new salary. In this case, Scott's old salary is $78,000 and his new salary is $74,000.

Absolute change = New salary - Old salary
Absolute change = $74,000 - $78,000
Absolute change = -$4,000

Therefore, the absolute change in Scott's salary is -$4,000.

To calculate the relative change in salary, you need to divide the absolute change by the old salary and express it as a decimal or a percentage.

Relative change = (Absolute change / Old salary) * 100
Relative change = (-$4,000 / $78,000) * 100
Relative change ≈ -5.13%

Therefore, the relative change in Scott's salary is approximately -5.13%.

To find the percentage by which the new salary is less than the old salary, you can use the formula:

Percentage decrease = (Difference / Old salary) * 100
Percentage decrease = ($4,000 / $78,000) * 100
Percentage decrease ≈ 5.13%

Therefore, the new salary is approximately 5.13% less than the old salary.

To find the percentage of the new salary compared to the old salary, you can use the formula:

Percentage of new salary = (New salary / Old salary) * 100
Percentage of new salary = ($74,000 / $78,000) * 100
Percentage of new salary ≈ 94.87%

Therefore, the new salary is approximately 94.87% of the old salary.

To find the ratio between the new salary and the old salary, you can divide the new salary by the old salary:

New salary / Old salary = $74,000 / $78,000
New salary / Old salary ≈ 0.9487

Therefore, the new salary is approximately 0.9487 times the old salary.