A taxi service offers a ride with an $5 surcharge and charges $0.50 per mile.

How many miles can a customer travel and spend at most $30?

What linear inequality with variable x represents this situation?

What is the solution to that inequality? Enter the solution as an inequality using x.

The equation would be 5+0.50x>= 30

X >= 50

A fish swims at a speed of 12 miles per hour. A boy swims at a speed of 4.4 feet per second.

3 ft = 1 yd

5280 ft = 1 mi

How much faster does the fish swim than the boy in yards per minute?

1a. 0.5x + 5 =< 30.

b. 0.5x =< 30-5
X =< 50 miles.

2. 12mi/h * 5280ft/mi * 1yd/3ft * 1h/60min = 352 Yds./min. = Speed of the fish.

4.4ft/s * 1yd/3ft * 60s/min = 88 yds./min. = Speed of the boy.

352 - 88 = 264 yds./min faster.

To find the number of miles a customer can travel and spend at most $30, we can set up an equation.

Let's denote the number of miles as x. The cost per mile is $0.50. So, the total cost of the ride, including the $5 surcharge, can be expressed as:

Total cost = $5 + $0.50x

We want this total cost to be at most $30. Therefore, we can write the following inequality:

$5 + $0.50x ≤ $30

To solve this inequality, we can subtract $5 from both sides of the inequality:

$0.50x ≤ $30 - $5
$0.50x ≤ $25

Next, we divide both sides of the inequality by $0.50:

x ≤ $25 ÷ $0.50
x ≤ 50

So, the solution to the inequality is x ≤ 50.

Inequality representing the situation: x ≤ 50

A taxi service offers a ride with an $5 surcharge and charges $0.50 per mile.

How many miles can a customer travel and spend at most $30?

What linear inequality with variable x represents this situation?

What is the solution to that inequality? Enter the solution as an inequality using x.