pseudocode for an application class named Monogram. Its main () method holds your first, middle, and last initials, respectively. Create a method to which you pass the three initials and that displays the initials twice, once in the order of first, middle and last, and a second time in traditional monogram style (first, last, middle).

To write the pseudocode for the Monogram class, you can follow these steps:

1. Define the Monogram class with private instance variables for the first, middle, and last initials.

class Monogram
private string first, middle, last

2. Implement a constructor to initialize the first, middle, and last initials.

constructor Monogram(initialFirst, initialMiddle, initialLast)
first <- initialFirst
middle <- initialMiddle
last <- initialLast

3. Create a method called displayInitials that takes the three initials as parameters and displays them twice, once in the order of first, middle, and last, and a second time in the traditional monogram style (first, last, middle).

method displayInitials(first, middle, last)
display "First, Middle, Last Initials: ", first, middle, last
display "Monogram Style: ", first, last, middle

4. Implement the main method which creates an instance of the Monogram class and calls the displayInitials method with the desired initials.

method main()
monogram <- new Monogram("J", "D", "D")
monogram.displayInitials(monogram.first, monogram.middle, monogram.last)

Putting it all together, here's the complete pseudocode for the Monogram class:

class Monogram
private string first, middle, last

constructor Monogram(initialFirst, initialMiddle, initialLast)
first <- initialFirst
middle <- initialMiddle
last <- initialLast

method displayInitials(first, middle, last)
display "First, Middle, Last Initials: ", first, middle, last
display "Monogram Style: ", first, last, middle

method main()
monogram <- new Monogram("J", "D", "D")
monogram.displayInitials(monogram.first, monogram.middle, monogram.last)