where did humanism originate from?

Ancient Greece


my choices are Spain,Egypt, Jerusalem, or Italy

Another crazy question. The Renaissance started in Italy, so I suppose that's the answer the teacher wants.


yeah that's what I thought too

Hi Ms. Sue! Do you have another amazing website on how silk cloth affected Europe? I've seen that you've recommended websites often and I just want to say thanks for the amazing help! But I really need a good reliable website on how silk cloth affected Europe in order for me to get a good in-depth explanation for my research. So please tell me if you know any! Thanks!

Humanism originated during the Renaissance in Europe. It was a cultural movement that emerged around the 14th century and reached its peak in the 15th and 16th centuries. The term "humanism" comes from the Latin word "humanus," meaning "human."

To find this information, you could have done a quick internet search using keywords such as "origin of humanism" or "when did humanism begin." This would lead you to various sources, such as encyclopedia entries, scholarly articles, or historical resources, which provide detailed information on the topic.

When conducting online research, it is important to evaluate the reliability and credibility of the sources you encounter. Opting for reputable websites, academic journals, or well-known reference materials can help ensure the accuracy of the information you obtain.