Which accurately describe ideological differences between Catholicism and humanism during the Renaissance?

(Select all that apply.)

catholicism promoted the individual as the center of existence, whereas humanism promoted god as the center of existence

catholicism was the foremost authority on nature, whereas humanist recognized science as a way to understand nature

catholicism encouraged questioning of dotrine, whereas humanist considered questioning doctrine as heresy

catholicism promoted a central gonverment, whereas humanism promoted a representative democracy

i think its a and c

B and D are correct:)

oh sorry i didn;t mean c and d i mean b and d

oh it c and d right i went back to read the text Catholicism

centralized authority
God as the center of existence
Church is authority on nature
ordered universe, predetermined
Church teachings not to be questioned
Church-controlled education
representative democracy, local governance
the individual as the center of existence
science recognized as a way to understand nature
ordered universe, working like a machine
questioning encouraged to understand
state-supported and private education

The accurate options that describe ideological differences between Catholicism and humanism during the Renaissance are:

A) Catholicism promoted the individual as the center of existence, whereas humanism promoted God as the center of existence.
C) Catholicism encouraged questioning of doctrine, whereas humanists considered questioning doctrine as heresy.

To arrive at the correct answer, let's analyze each option:

A) Catholicism promoted the individual as the center of existence, whereas humanism promoted God as the center of existence. During the Renaissance, Catholicism upheld the belief that individuals were subject to the authority of the Church and God. On the other hand, humanism viewed the individual as the focal point of exploration and valued the potential and capabilities of human beings.

C) Catholicism encouraged questioning of doctrine, whereas humanists considered questioning doctrine as heresy. Within Catholicism, questioning the Church's official doctrines was not actively promoted, as conformity and obedience to Church teachings were highly valued. However, humanists were more open to questioning and challenging existing beliefs and doctrines, which often led to conflicts with the Catholic Church.

Therefore, options A and C accurately describe the ideological differences between Catholicism and humanism during the Renaissance.